Landowner Consent for H&T Rentals (Carports)

I, ("Landowner") agree to allow ("Lessee/rental customer") to place a rented building on the premises listed below and give my permission to H&T Rentals, LLC ("Lessor") to retrieve and pickup the building my Tenant is renting if the Lessor notifies me that the Tenant has breached the terms of his Rental-Purchase Agreement for the building. In addition, if the Tenant vacates the property, I will contact Lessor for removal of the building. I claim no property or equitable interest in the rented building, whatsoever.

Address of Carport Placement:

Tenant Name:

Landowner Name:

Landowner Phone:

Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signature Certificate
Document name: Landowner Consent for H&T Rentals (Carports)
lock iconUnique Document ID: 9d1fffbffcb24b01dd6133aaa78fb5a53a0ad828
Timestamp Audit
October 19, 2023 8:58 am CSTLandowner Consent for H&T Rentals (Carports) Uploaded by Lone Star Structures - IP